Product Catalogue Marine Catalogue

Height Safety

When your people work at height, keeping them safe is paramount. But it’s not always easy to see how best to make that protection practical and cost-effective. Our height safety engineers are here to help you minimise your risk.


Around a quarter of all workplace deaths are due to falls from height. Accordingly, the authorities take the Work at Height Regulations (2005) very seriously indeed. As an employer, you have both a moral and legal obligation to keep your people safe – even for short, one-off tasks.

A practical, flexible approach

We’ve built a reputation for working closely alongside architects and facilities managers, and taking a creative approach to height safety challenges – carefully adapting the equipment, installation methods and approach to suit the building and risk assessment.

That’s important, because the law – and the severity of the outcome of a fall – makes no distinction for the age and design of your building, or the frequency of the work.

Choosing your height safety equipment

We can call upon a wide range of alternatives to mitigate your height safety risks:

As a result, we’re usually able to find a suitable solution, protecting your workforce and satisfying the regulations – with a keen eye on productivity, practicality, and short and long-term cost.

Contact our engineering team:

BOURNEMOUTH: +44 (0) 1202 828700

BODMIN: +44 (0) 1208 264162


Bournemouth: +44 (0) 1202 828700 Bodmin: +44 (0) 1208 264162